
Mamma Mia....here we go again...

Tonight was an awesome night. It was a night where I should have been doing homework. I should have been slaving away in the library or in the Humanities computer lab. I probably should have done some laundry. I should have been responsible and straightened up my room a bit....buttttt I didn't do any of those things. I needed a break from the monotony of school work. So instead I enjoyed an evening of a little shopping, cafe rio, and Mamma Mia with some of my dearest friends in the world.

To my lovely ladies: thanks for a night of betty the bra, 5 for $10 underwear, crazy in-laws, MAMMA MIA, sexy home teachers, zebra print clothing items, and torture devices (you know the one Im referring to....). You girls are absolutely fantastic.


sarah joelle said...

:[ i so wish i could have come! dumb homework and not having a car. and oh man, isn't mamma mia the greatest? i LOVED that movie!

Dallin and Megan Dyer said...

I LOVED this movie! I have the soundtrack if you want to borrow it! You should have seen Dallin's dad after seeing this movie...haha, he has some serious moves.

Bonnie said...


Brandon and Leanna said...

I love you! it was such a good night.. wonderful wonderful.

Terri Ann said...

I seriously had so much fun! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the movie! And, am addicted to watching the music videos on YouTube! ha ha ha. But, I LOVE YOU! And, I cannot wait until we hangout again!

AdrianneJayne said...

I'm so sad I missed that! I guess i left right before you got there.. aka right before the party started! Love you girl AND