It has been a good year.
2011 has got some great things too:
1) Preston hopefully and most likely graduates from BYU in December!
2) A trip to the east coast with Preston's family. Mostly DC and New York.
3) Christmas in Texas with my family.
4) Turning 24.
5) Preston's brother Ben coming home from his mission.
6) I'm sure there are more things that I don't remember!
7) Oh yeah, and we are having a baby...............................ok JUST KIDDING about the baby.
My new years resolutions:
1) Keeping our room clean and organized. I'm pretty good about our living area/kitchen...but my clothes kinda take over our bedroom. I blame it on not having enough dresser space, so today we bought some more storage for my clothes.
2) Getting a better scripture reading schedule going.
3) Be generally nicer and show real concern for what people are going through. Show the people that are important to me that they really ARE important to me in direct ways instead of assuming they know.
Christmas was nice. So nice that I didn't want to come back. Oh well, such is life. I didn't take too many pictures, but I did take some pictures of one thing. One thing that Preston's mom, Karlyn did for us for Christmas was buy us a replica of the top of our wedding cake. You see, our wedding cake was so good that the people serving it served up the entire cake to our guests without saving the top for us. Karlyn felt bad that we never got to try our wedding cake and we didn't get to do the whole "save the top and eat it on your one year anniversary." In reality, I think this was the best of both worlds: still get this fun little rite of passage without having to eat year-old cake! So we did the whole cutting the cake ceremony, AND Preston shoved the cake in my face this time, because there is no way in heck I would have let him do this for our actual wedding. haha. While we were doing this, I remarked that maybe this will mark the end of our newlywedness. Preston's dad, Vaughn, responded, " Are you SURE you want to do that??" I think he's right. No need to end the newlywedness. Keep it coming.