

I've been really happy lately. I can't really put my finger on exactly what it is that has made me feel so great, but I guess I just finally feel like my life is actually my life. I went from being single, in school, working part-time to being married, done with school and working a full-time job within a few months. It was a bigger jump than I thought it would be. Everything change, not really in a bad way, just different

But the last month or two that has all gone away. I feel like my own person. I have friends that I love to be with, hobbies that I enjoy, a church calling that brings me closer to the gospel, a husband who truly still makes me feel very in love and who I find completely adorable, a family support system (in both my family and preston's) that I know will always be with me no matter what, and a job that provides just enough money so we don't have to constantly be stressed about money. I never thought I'd be the type that couldn't go to sleep if the kitchen wasn't clean, but I am. I never thought I'd be the type of girl that has 100 blogs that I must read, but I am. I never thought I'd constantly think about ways I can make my apartment cuter, but I do. We all grow and change, and that is just fine. I'm trying to learn to not judge people, because you honestly never know when you'll be in their situation. You really SHOULD walk a mile in someone's shoes before you criticize them. Things are so different from the inside than it appears from the outside.

Last night I got mad at Preston for trying to tell me how to cut a mango. Haha really? Thinking about it makes me laugh. He just let me be mad about it for about 5 minutes and then we didn't have to speak of it again. Hahaha oh man....I'm ridiculous. I love that boy. I'm lucky. Oh, and in case you are wondering, here's how you cut a mango.

1 comment:

Nikki & James said...

Lindsay. you are one of my favorite people ever. that must have been a tough change in life all at one time! I am so glad things are going better now. I'm excited to see you in June!